VY1LR YL Lore and VY1OR OM Otto cp10wn are Proficiency in Amateur Radio.

That cruel, austere Country had won Lore und Otto as surely as it had won all other Yukoners. It demanded a compelling loyalty and tolerated no other loves. On loved it or hated it … but was never indifferent.
This soil is exceedingly rich and produces the finest grass: the hills have the look of a park and grounds. I never saw anything to equal it. People say the country teems with game. This surely is what we have dreamed of all these years. Lore and myself, of course, will not leave the Yukon; we are too old for such pioneering now. The Yukon is for the young….

The Cushions of Modern Life
In our modern lives, we have built numerous cushions: the police to protect us, hospitals to heal us, as well as hotels, restaurants, and shops to ensure our comfort.
Surviving in the Wilderness
In the wilderness, however, one must provide their own food, make fire, find shelter, and prepare clothing to avoid freezing. These fundamental tasks are crucial for survival in nature. I believe these principles also apply to modern life. However, we hide our primal instincts behind numerous safety nets that allow even the unfit to thrive.
The Clarity of Nature
The wonderful thing about the wilderness is that you know exactly what you need to do to survive the day. Nature opens your eyes and makes you aware of your shortcomings. The strong and wise become stronger, even in the greatest adversity, while the weak do not survive. I can't imagine a better test of a person's nature.